Sponsorships Available
National Championship - $8,000*
- *$8,000 per year for 5 years
- Largest individual prominent colored logo with WebConnect link on our website
- Individual cololr banner on the Corporate Tent
- Color logo on tournament polo shirts
- Color hole sign on all five prize holes (4 hole in one holes and honey hole.)
- Color sign on on Long Drive hole
- Two teams included all 5 yearsp
- Color logo on polo shirts provided to each player and volunteer
- Sponsor can put up a logoed tent to and talk to golfers before and after the tourney
- Sponsor can bring the logoed vehicle to the tournament for advertising
- Colored banner will be placed over the registration table
- 1st place trophies sponsored by
- Recognition during the welcome speech and when going over tournament rules
- 5 free mulligans
- 1 free raffle ticket in a grand prize raffle
Sponsor can provide logo prizes to include, t-shirts, koozies, and any other items approved by the tournament committee, items must be given to the committee by no later than July 15th for each player prize bags
State Championship - $2,000
- Large prominent colored logo with WebConnect link on our website
- Largest colored logo on corporate food tent
- Colored Logo on one of prize holes
- Sponsor recognition during the awards ceremony
- 2nd Place trophies sponsored by
- Add a team to play in tournaments for an additional $300
Region Championship - $1,500
- Large prominent colored logo with WebConnect link on our website
- Medium-sized colored logo on corporate food tent
- Sponsor recognition on tournament materials
- Special recognition during the awards ceremony
- 3rd Place trophies sponsored by
- Add a team to play in the tournament for an additional $300
Victory Bell - $1,000
- Large prominent colored logo with WebConnect link on our website
- Smallest colored logo on corporate food tent
- Special recognition at the awards ceremony
- Special prize trophies sponsored by
- Add a team to play in the tournament for an additional $300
Hail Mary Hole Sponsor - $200
- Black/white listing on hole sign (no colored logos)
Sponsors & teams may sign up and pay on this website. Sponsors will be recognized on the website, with logos of National and State Championship sponsors prominently displayed.